IAPMO Makes Three Tentative Interim Amendments (TIA) Available for Public Comment
In accordance with the IAPMO Regulations Governing Committee Projects, IAPMO would like to announce that a Tentative Interim Amendment (TIA) to the 2018 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) and two TIAs to the 2018 edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) are being submitted for public comment.
TIA UPC 003-18 revises text in UPC Section 214.0 and 417.6 regarding low-pressure water dispensers. The comment form is located at http://codes.iapmo.org/docs/2018/UPC/TIA/Submit_Public_Comment_for_UPC_TIA_003-18.pdf.
TIAs UMC 006-18 and UMC 007-18 revise text in UMC Chapter 11 regarding A2L refrigerants in correlation with updates to ASHRAE 15 for machinery rooms and human comfort. The comment forms are located at http://codes.iapmo.org/docs/2018/UMC/TIA/Submit_Public_Comment_for_UMC_TIA_006-18.pdf and http://codes.iapmo.org/docs/2018/UMC/TIA/Submit_Public_Comment_for_UMC_TIA_007-18.pdf.
IAPMO invites all interested parties to review the proposed TIAs on the IAPMO website under Uniform Plumbing Code / Proposed TIAs and Uniform Mechanical Code / Proposed TIAs and respond by filling out the comment forms. The deadline to submit comments is Nov. 1.
Completed forms for the UPC may be emailed to Enrique Gonzalez, plumbing code development administrator, at enrique.gonzalez@iapmo.org or faxed to the Codes Department at 909-472-4246.
Completed forms for the UMC may be emailed to Zalmie Hussein, mechanical code development administrator, at zalmie.hussein@iapmo.org or faxed to the Codes Department at 909-472-4246.