tekmar Switching Relay and Zone Valve Controls

tekmar Switching Relay and Zone Valve Controls

October 18, 2019

tekmar Control Systems has announced the addition of four new switching relay and zone valve control models to its existing line of zone control solutions. tekmar now offers 2-zone pumps, 3-zone pumps, 3-zone valves, and 5-zone valves. The newly added switching relays and zone valve controls are compatible with all low-voltage thermostats and offer a variety of benefits for homeowners. These include unlimited expansion; exercising, which prevents pumps from seizing during the summer; zone priority; and priority override to protect homes from freezing over the winter months. The switching relays and zone valve controls also send out a RoomResponse signal to automatically adjust boiler temperatures to improve comfort, conserve energy and save money.

tekmar Control Systems, a Watts brand